You’ve just landed in a remarkable place for connecting, growing, and learning, for the mamas who . . .
…hope to raise emotionally intelligent, resilient, and compassionate children but worry about whether you're doing it right
…find the world of parenting advice overwhelming and confusing and you wish you could just trust your instincts and intuition more
… want to be the perfect, calm, patient parent but you find yourself frequently triggered and gripped by traumas from your past
…desire to create lasting relationships with your children where they feel loved, seen, and respected for the individual that they are
… are seeking to break those generational cycles of emotional neglect and trauma but you’re struggling to heal from your own imperfect childhood
… love your babies more than you ever knew was possible but damn, being a parent is hard and sometimes you wonder if you’re the only one who ever feels depleted, resentful, or angry towards your kids (you’re not)
… are struggling with overwhelm, anxiety, or depression and the self-help or self-care “things” seem to help temporarily but are not making any meaningful difference for you
Knowing What’s Best
Learn to trust your intuition with this self-paced e-book exploring theory and practices to re-discover your internal compass for confident and easeful decision making in parenthood.
The Undivided Mother
Overcome struggles with anxiety and overwhelm through body-based nervous system regulation skills and supported emotional processing in a community setting.
Hi, I’m Mary.
I am so glad you’re here! The transition into motherhood has been the most amazing and challenging experience of my life. There’s no way to truly understand the depth and breadth of growth that comes with becoming a mother until you experience it. And a transformation like that isn’t easy.
The intensity of the mental and emotional experience on top of your new role and responsibilities plus the physical recovery can be overwhelming and oftentimes lonely. Drawing on my background in embodiment practices and years of studying affect regulation and emotional processing I am honored to have the opportunity to share the tools and resources that have been most helpful for me in this special time to provide moms, like yourself, with support throughout the joy and challenges we’re facing as we grow with our child(ren).